Song Info:
Written by Billy Corgan and James Iha
See the song file
Available On:
Other Info:
-Broadcast on July 30th, 1993 by "Naked City", a
British TV show. During the original broadcast, the
song followed
a 'therapy session', which is also (at
least in part) on
Vieuphoria.On the video, these
two segments are separated. However, during the
Vieuphoria version of this performance,clips from the
therapy session are shown, like when SP sticks up
their middle fingers up at the therapist as they
leave in a van. It is also includes a montage of
footage like Billy during the early years, other
concerts,etc. This style of montage would return in
the version of the "Untitled" video shown on MTV
Europe in 2001 to promote the Greatest Hits.